Friday, February 28, 2014

Staying Socially Connected

For elderly individuals, staying socially connected can be difficult. However, maintaining social contact is important for an individual’s well-being and their health. There have been studies that indicate social contact can increase physical and mental health, reduce disease and lead to increased longevity. If your elderly loved one is expressing a desire for more social contact then you can suggest some options for them.

Social Media

Social media can be incredibly helpful in staying connected. It can allow an individual to remain involved in their friends and family’s lives remotely, so it can be a wonderful tool for the elderly. If you know an elderly individual who is looking to become more connected in their friends lives introduce them to Facebook. It may be difficult at first, but if you show them how to properly and safely use the site then they can add friends and stay in touch. This type of connection will help them to feel more included and active in their friends and family’s lives.


If your elderly loved one is active and looking for opportunities to get out of the house then you can suggest that they volunteer. They can take the time to volunteer at a local food pantry or at a local school. Whichever environment they choose will be beneficial to their well-being. This will provide them with the opportunity to interact with other individuals and to make new friends.


Another great way to maintain social interaction is through planning and scheduling. Take some time to talk to your elderly loved about setting up specific times to call them or to interact with them. You can encourage them to set up a routine that involves meeting with one or more of their friends.

Senior Center

Your local senior center can be an incredible resource for your elderly loved one. If you’re concerned that they’re not interacting enough and are withdrawing from social situations, reach out to your senior center. They will have activities to suggest and they will have a wealth of information on how to help your elderly loved one stay connected.

However you approach it, you need to keep your elderly loved one socially connected for their well-being!

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