Friday, June 10, 2011

Why are Americans Scared of Aging?

A fantastic video of Dr. Bill Thomas speaking about Americans and aging:

Why are Americans so scared of aging and why do we pay so much money to avoid it?  Dr. Thomas gives some great answers and looks into the sociology of why Americans are so wary of giving up adulthood and entering "elderhood."  My favorite part is when he discusses this wariness, and elaborates on how people need to embrace their elderhood.  It reminds me of a history teacher I had years ago.  Our class was discussing elders in Greek society, and our teacher, who was about seventy, began discussing his own personal elderhood.  He said he had liked being young, but he also liked being older.  Each age presents different advantages and disadvantages.  When we accept the advantages and appreciate each day, that is when life becomes truly fulfilling.  As my teacher would have said, carpe diem.

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