Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Caregiver Activity Ideas: Comedy

For senior citizens, a great way to continue to enjoy aging is by picking up a new hobby. Some common activities include walking, card games, water color painting, knitting, and more. In the U.K., Silver Comedy, a comedy training company, is leaving those usual activities behind and actively engaging seniors through comedy.

It is a great idea because there are many clear benefits of using comedy as a way to engage seniors, and incorporating comedy is a great idea for caregivers looking to diversify activities with their elder loved ones. Laughing with your loved one is perhaps one of the best ways to relieve stress, for both of you. Furthermore, engaging your senior in these activities will help prevent feelings of isolation and depression, as well as foster confidence.

Here is Silver Comedy's YouTube video explaining the benefits of comedy in the older population:

As a caregiver, you can try to incorporate comedy into your day as a way to break up the routine and enjoy a good laugh!

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