Friday, June 7, 2013

Helping the Elderly Prepare for Summer Storms

Unfortunately, there have been many devastating storms that have hit the United States recently. Our hearts go out to all of those affected. As a leader in elder care, one of our primary concerns is the elderly. Unfortunately, some of the elderly don’t have the strength or resources to prepare for many of these storms, and sometimes they can be unaware that a storm is even on the way. What can you do to help your elderly loved ones?

Here are some tips to help them prepare for summer storms: 

• Stock up on non-perishable goods, and have at least a few gallons of water in an easily accessibly place. Buy extra canned goods while shopping and put them in a box for your elderly loved one.

• Ensure that your elderly loved ones know which room to go into in case of a tornado or high winds. These rooms should be windowless and provide a lot of protection.

• Provide your elderly loved one with a battery powered radio. This way they can stay informed, even if they lose power.

• Make sure that all batteries in flashlights have been replaced, and make sure that candles and matches are easily accessible.

• Make sure your elderly loved one has an extra prescription of any necessary medications available in case they are unable to leave their home.

 • Contact your elderly loved one’s neighbors. If you can’t be there following a storm, have their phone numbers handy and ask them to check on your senior.

The most important thing to remember is to stay in constant communication with your ailing or aging loved one!

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